Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Domino math games

This summer I did some one-on-one tutoring. During that time, I came up with lots of games, trying to make it fun and hands on since math during the summer isn't every kid's dream. I tried to incorporate lots of different manipulatives, and dominoes are a great one. They are good for practicing subtizing and can be used for plenty of math fact games. Here are a few games that involved dominoes:

Make Ten Dominoes

It's the same as the basic domino game except instead of matching the same number together, you match together numbers that make ten. For example, if I had a six I could put a four next to it. This could be done for any number that you want to work on for math facts actually.

I Found, You Found

For this one, we picked a number to work on, such as 7. Then I would find a domino that added to 7, like 6 and 1. Then she would find one, like 3 and 4. I would try to make sure we say the pairs aloud too, I found 6 and 1 which makes 7, what can you find?

Domino Parking

I used a white board but this could be drawn or typed on paper too. I made squares with numbers 3-10 (any number range that you want to be working on would do) and then we 'parked' the dominoes in the correct place. For example, if I had a domino with 2 and 2 on it, I parked it in the four square.

How do you use dominoes for math?

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